Without a top-quality specialist fishing net you’re never going to be able to lift a double-figure carp safely out of the water, so it’s well worth investing in quality. This is why we, here at Angling Direct, have collected together a huge range of nets – all of which have been designed with specimen fishing in mind. Our collection spans everything from huge triangular landing net heads, through to net poles, and even a net float to assist in lifting those monster barbels.
Net Head
There are lots of different mesh types that you’ll find in our specialist net collection. The most popular is a hex-mesh, which is generally considered to be the strongest and least abrasive mesh type on the market. Remember, your catch probably isn’t going to be very happy that they are being lifted from the water and there is a risk that they might thrash around in the net – potentially causing themselves harm. This is why a soft and nonabrasive mesh is absolutely essential. You don’t want to remove too much of the fish’s protective slime. You’re also at risk of damaging the delicate fins of the carp, too, should you use a mesh which isn’t soft enough.
You might also find some nets employ two different mesh types in their construction. In most cases, this will consist of a wider mesh for the main body of the net and a finer mesh for the base of the net. This is especially essential if you’re looking to retain your fish in the water for a short period of time – whether this is to give the specimen a chance to recover or to give yourself a chance to set up your unhooking and weighing equipment.
The wider top mesh allows for a better flow of water, should you be fishing with a current, preventing you capture from being bashed in the net. This is also useful when you’re attempting to manoeuvre the net through the water, as you’ll be faced with less water resistance. A 42-inch landing net paired with the right landing net handle ensures that you can target and land the vast majority of the carp in the UK, as well as a whole variety of European species. We also stock nets up to 50inches online, which are able to house the very biggest carp both here and over the other side of the channel.
The Spreader Block
The spreader block is the integral component of your landing net and it holds you landing net head to your landing net handle. What’s more, it also supports the arms of your net head, too, holding them out in position. Stainless steel is generally considered to be stronger than ABS but ABS is significantly lighter.
Landing Net Handle
The first thing you want to look for when you’re investing in a landing net handle is its rigidity. The stiffer the handle is under pressure, the easier you’re going to be able to lift your large specimen from the water. This is because the handle supports the weight of the fish better, so if you’re capturing huge double figure carp then you’ll want to look out for an ultra-stiff handle. You’ll often find that landing net handles are manufactured from the same kind of carbon as your carp rod or pole. This is to ensure that they can offer strength as well as a low weight.