Carp Bait Boats, Bags & Batteries

For the serious angler, the bait boat is becoming something of a must-have accessory. Angling is the biggest participation sport in the UK, so anglers are increasingly looking for ways to get ahead of the game. Bait boats provide a technologically advanced solution to the problem of accurate bait distribution and, from quiet estate lakes to much larger inland seas, the right bait boat can ensure you attain a higher catch rate than pretty much anything else out there. Bait has always been an integral part of successful angling, and, with the popularity of the sport on the rise, bait boats are a sure fire way of keeping ahead of the other anglers on the water. This translates directly to more catches, as the bait boats and technology around them really do allow you to distribute bait right to the fish. Each of the bait boats we stock has been extensively vetted by us personally for quality, performance and value for money. Bait boats aren’t used for baiting alone, however, and they can also ensure that your hookbait is precisely positioned amongst your freebies – allowing you to target areas that you won’t be able to with traditional casting methods.

 Angling Direct stocks has a huge variety of bait boats for sale and accessories from the industry’s leading manufacturers. We’re proud to stock the latest models from Angling TechnicsWaverunner, and more. All the bait boats we stock have been hand-selected by our expert team for their superior quality and performance. This can make picking your ideal tool a bit of a mission, so you can use this checklist to help you decide on the perfect bait boat for your carp fishing needs,



 One of the first things to look at when you’re investing in a bait boat is the hopper. This is the area of the boat where you store the bait, so understandably it will play a bit part when you’re deciding between two like-for-like bait boats. We have bait boats with lots of different hopper sizes, from boats that can hold 1kg of bait to boats that can hold nearer to 5kg of bait at a time. If you’re an angler who likes to get a lot of bait out fast, these are the ideal tools for you. Spods, catapultsthrowing sticks, all of these pale in comparison to the ultra-fast and ultra-large bait distribution that a quality bait boat can offer.

 You will also be faced with the option of a single hopper or a double hopper. As you might expect, a single hopper allows for a single distribution of bait, dumping the whole lot in one area. This is perfect for the angler who wants to target a key area of a swim as it really helps to concentrate your boilie or groundbait mix – focussing the attentions of the fish and allowing you to really hone in on a specific target. A double hopper splits your bait in two. This allows you to distribute twice in a single trip, dropping half your bait in one area and the other half in another. This is ideal if you’re looking to get a spread of bait through the water or if you’ve got your eye on two different features that you’re looking to target. Most dual hoppers will also allow you to release the bait simultaneously, too, giving you a huge range of possibilities when it comes to baiting your swim.

 The size of your hopper will often determine the size of your boat, which in turn impacts on the run time and maximum speed. Not only will a bait boat of a greater capacity be larger but, more often than not, a bait boat with dual hoppers will often be larger than a single hopper boat. If you’re an angler looking to reduce rather than increase the amount of weight you’re lugging down to a swim, a smaller single hopper boat that can make multiple trips throughout your session might be the better option than a larger dual hopper boat which can only run for an hour or so before it is out of juice.


 Battery Life

 Whilst we’re on the subject, there is no denying that battery life is incredibly important when you’re considering buying a bait boat. Technology has come a very long way since the first days of bait boats and long gone is the need to recharge your boat after each run out. However, these are high powered machines and, as such, you’ll struggle to find one that can survive more than a couple of hours of continuous use. Luckily, you’ll hardly ever (if not never) have to run your bait boat continuously for this amount of time, so this shouldn’t be an issue with any of the bait boats in our range. If you are someone who enjoys going on longer sessions and you know you’ll be re-baiting regularly, it might pay to invest in a bait boat with a longer run time.

 As we’ve said, the size of a bait boat can often make a difference to its total run time. A smaller bait boat is lighter in weight so, chances are, it will take less battery power to get it moving – meaning that it is more likely that a smaller boat will offer a greater run time. However, this is not always the case, as a smaller boat will also have a smaller battery, too.

 Another thing to consider is the ease of recharging your batteries. Since most angling venues don’t have a power supply, unless you take a generator or small power pack down to the water with you it is unlikely that you’ll be able to recharge your bait boat on the bank. This being said, some bait boats are now compatible with solar panel chargers. This is ideal for the angler who likes to go on long sessions and it allows you to keep your bait boat topped up with power throughout your session.



 Almost all of the bait boats in our range will be able to run further than the average caster and most will have a range in excess of 200m (almost 220 yards). If you are someone who is regularly casting on the edge of this, it might be an idea to plump for a bait boat that offers a slightly further range – giving you the peace of mind that you need to ensure that you won’t loose your expensive boat due to steering it out of range. Some boat boats are fitted with devices which ensure that they turn around, should they ever lose signal from your controller, too. When you’re looking at the range of your bait boat you might also want to bear in mind some of the other features that the bait boat can offer. If you’re getting a bait boat with an in-built echo sounder or fish finder system, it might impact on the range that the boat can reach. This isn’t always the case, however, and most modern echo sounder systems can operate as far as the bait boat itself.

 Bear in mind that many bait boats are fitted with hook-release systems, too. These allow you to attach your hook to the outside of the bait boat, releasing it in tandem with your boatful of free offerings. If you are using the bait boat to drop your hook as well as your bait, it will serve you well to remember that you still need to be able to land any fish you hook! Takes at an extreme range, especially if you’re not used to them, can often result in lost fish.



 The force which moves your bait boat through the water is exceptionally important. Not only do you want to ensure that you’re making as little impact on the water as possible – after all, you don’t want to scare away the carp you’re valiantly trying to target – but you also want to avoid the risk of tangles. This is why most bait boats are now fitted with jet pumps, rather than traditional propellers. Jet pumps ensure that your bait boat moves through the water with minimal disturbance, as they are also less likely to tangle on weeds, enabling you to target shallower waters with more confidence. However, you will still find propellers on some of the bait boats we stock. This is because propellers require significantly less energy to get going and keep moving – extending the battery life of your boat by an impressive margin. High quality bait boat manufacturers will also keep the weed issue in mind when designing their propulsion system and many propeller driven boats now come with inbuilt weed guards.



 As many carp anglers will know, more often than not the best time to target the water is at dawn and dusk. This will leave you with the unfortunate scenario of baiting your swim darkness (or near to). Luckily, many of the bait boats in our range take this into account and are fitted with LEDs. Although these lights might not do a great job of guiding your way (you’ll have to rely on your head torch or another lighting solution for that), they do give a clear indication of whereabouts in the water your bait boat is. Most bait boats will have different coloured lights on the front and back, so you should always easily be able to tell which way your boat is facing. It is important to bear other anglers in mind when you’re using the lights on your bait boat, as some might find the bright lights annoying or distracting to the peace and tranquillity of the venue, so do only flick your lights on when you really need them.

 Along with the latest boats and spare battery packs, we also stock a comprehensive range of accessories. Everything from boat bags to solar panels and protective rain pouches for remote controls can be found on our online shop. We stock bait boats that come pre-fitted with fish finders, too, which gives you a fantastic edge on the bank as you don’t have to waste precious time lapping the swims, eyes peeled for a fish – especially if you’re only able to fish for short sessions at a time. We stock GPS navigation systems as well, so you can precisely keep track of where your bait boat is going to ensure you’re right on top of the fish. This has the added bonus of avoiding conflict with fellow anglers, as you can check you’re not drifting into their swims by accident.

As you can see, Angling Direct has worked hard to put together a collection that covers all bases. What’s more, we scour the market each and every day to ensure we’re always offering the lowest possible price across our entire tackle range – over 10,000 products and counting! When you see the price checked logo on the product page you are guaranteed a fantastic price.

Angling Direct is able to offer impartial advice on a huge range of fishing tackle and accessories from the biggest names in the business. As a major investment with every potential to take your angling success and enjoyment to new heights, we’re always happy to offer objective information and guidance as to which bait boat will suit your needs best. Our customer support page has all the information you need for getting in contact. We also understand that bait boats are a big investment and they can quickly eat away at your pot reserved for angling. If you’d like any financial assistance, you can check out with our Direct Credit plan. This offers interest free repayment, with plans running between six and 18 months. Since our costs don’t change, you can budget easily whilst you enjoy all the new benefits that your bait boat provides. Applications are all completed online, giving you an instant decision, and the minimum upfront deposit payment is only 10%. Spread the cost of your bait boat with our interest free finance, so you can focus on the thing that really matters – your carp fishing.  

So, whether you’re a first-time newcomer looking to get stuck in at the deep end or you are just looking to step up your game after a lifetime of angling with the same old technology, Angling Direct has the perfect tools for the job.

Carp anglers are increasingly looking for ways to get ahead of the game. Bait boats provide a technologically advanced solution to the problem of accurate bait distribution and, from quiet estate lakes too much larger inland seas, the right bait boat can ensure you attain a higher catch rate than pretty much anything else out there. Bait boats aren’t used for baiting alone, they can also ensure that your hookbait is precisely positioned amongst your freebies – allowing you to target areas that you won’t be able to with traditional casting methods.

What Do I Need to Look for in a Bait Boat?

Specifications to look for in your bait boat are features like the size of the hopper (the area of the boat where you store the bait), the battery life of the boat, range (how far out it can go), propulsion, lights and remote features.

You can read more details about each of these features in our Bait Boat Buying Guide, over on the AD blog.

Serious carp anglers looking for a set-up in bait distribution can find success with brands such as Angling Technics, Waverunner, RidgeMonkey, and more. Each of the bait boats we stock has been extensively vetted by us personally for quality, performance and value for money. 

Bait boats have revolutionised the way anglers approach carp fishing. With their ability to deliver rigs and bait to precise locations, and even help discover new spots using echo sounders or sonar, they have become an indispensable tool for serious carp anglers. Our range of bait boats is designed to cater to anglers of all skill levels and budgets, featuring top brands such as Carp Royal, Future Carping, Angling Technics, Ridge Monkey, and Saber. These advanced bait boats offer various functionalities, including GPS systems, sonars, and echo sounders, all aimed at making your angling experience more efficient and enjoyable.

Bait boats have revolutionised the way anglers approach carp fishing. With their ability to deliver rigs and bait to precise locations, and even help discover new spots using echo sounders or sonar, they have become an indispensable tool for serious carp anglers.

Our range of bait boats is designed to cater to anglers of all skill levels and budgets, featuring top brands such as Carp Royal, Future Carping, Angling Technics, Ridge Monkey, and Saber. These advanced bait boats offer various functionalities, including GPS systems, sonars, and echo sounders, all aimed at making your angling experience more efficient and enjoyable.

Essential Accessories for Your Bait Boats

To ensure your bait boat functions seamlessly, we also offer a comprehensive selection of accessories, including spare batteries and carry bags. Our high-quality batteries are built to last, providing you with uninterrupted power to operate your bait boat at peak performance. The durable carry bags are designed to protect and transport your bait boat safely, making it easy to move between fishing spots.

We're Here to Help You Choose the Perfect Bait Boat

If you're uncertain about which bait boat is right for you, don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our knowledgeable team is always available to provide you with expert guidance and advice to help you make the best decision.

Carp Fishing Bait Boat FAQs

Carp anglers are increasingly looking for ways to get ahead of the game. When fishing a carp venue, bait boats provide a technologically advanced solution to the problem of accurate bait distribution. Bait boats can transport particles, end tackle, and hook bait to designated locations. Using this device, carp anglers can reach an otherwise difficult-to-reach fishing spot – allowing them to target areas that you won’t be able to with traditional casting methods.

Check out reasons why we love bait boats in our Buyers Guide.

Bait Boats were initially unpopular among carp anglers, who branded their use as cheating. It resulted in many fisheries banning their use in the UK. However, with many carp anglers now owning bait boats, and high-profile carp anglers promoting their use in the right situation, opinions are changing.

While many carp anglers use a bait boat for mere pre-baiting purposes, for convenience and a faster way to get a large quantity of feed out into your intended swim, there are also plenty of carp fishermen who send out their carp rigs on a bait boat.

1. Drop your rigs carefully, with a tight fishing line. It is better to do it with an open arm than to use the clutch, which can cause line twists.

2. If the boat does not have propeller guards, be careful not to get your fishing line caught on the propellers. Keep a more or less straight line and avoid sudden turns.

3. Don't boat too far or to unsafe areas. This can cause your boat to get stuck or damaged.

4. Watch the battery life on your boat. Have spare batteries with you, just in case you have a low run time. Make sure you have a rescue line attached to the boat in an emergency.

5. Make sure you know the boundaries of where you are allowed to swim. This will help avoid upsetting other anglers and disturbing their fishing.

Bait boats are a perfect example of the recent wave of technology in carp fishing. Fishing bait boats are great for when fishing on really big lakes where long-distance fishing is your only option.

However, bait boats do vary in budget depending on their features and signal strength. For a fishing bait boat, you can expect to spend anywhere between; £450 - £2000. Bait boats with the addition of fish finders can cost a higher amount.

Also, many anglers only use a bait boat where it's necessary and avoid using bait boats for short-distance fishing and when there are a lot of other anglers fishing at your carp fishing venue.

Using a bait boat at some venues can cause angry, annoyed neighbors, as well as possible tangles with other carp anglers’ lines. The way to avoid this is to only use your bait boat when appropriate.

When you are fishing carp waters with tiny clay pits or gargantuan gravel pits, bait boats can be incredibly effective for better bait distribution.

On large waters, bait boats are used to reach distances that could not be reached by casting, which is an ideal alternative to rowing yourself out for a day of boat fishing.

You should always check the rules for a carp fishing venue in case they do not allow bait boats or they limit the use to certain lakes or pegs of the carp fishery.

Before heading out to the carp lakes for the first time with your new bait boat, have a little practice using and guiding the bait boat via the remote controls. This may help guide the bait boat away from other swims and carp anglers. Practice makes perfect!

Serious carp anglers looking for a set-up in bait distribution can find success with brands such as Angling Technics, Waverunner, RidgeMonkey, and more. Each of the carp fishing bait boats we stock has been extensively vetted by us personally for quality, performance, and value for money.

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