No matter your needs as a fly fishing angler, terminal tackle really is the business end of any angler’s set up as it is the first bit of kit that will come into direct contact with your fish. We, here at Angling Direct stock a huge range of gear for constructing your perfect terminal tackle setup and hook your next personal best fish.
Within our fly fishing terminal tackle range will find a range of fishing hooks that are classified based on their size, type, gape, barb or barbless and so on. To assist in strengthening and fly tying a hook for UK conditions, we sell braided loops. These are great for anglers a little hard of seeing and to give that extra strength for those fish that lunge onto your fly, ready-made rigs all setup for your fly fishing excursions and a range of leaders, tubing, swivels, and links.
Your Complete Beginners Guide to Fishing Hooks
What Equipment Do You NEED to Start Fly Fishing?
Our range of terminal tackle for fly fishing includes brands like Leeda, Mustad, Wychwood and Fulling Mill, to name just a few. There are a host of rig tying videos over on ADTV too.
Fly Fishing Terminal tackle really is the business end of the sea fishing experience, and without the right kit you may of well have not shown up to the river, lake or reservoir!
In our range of fly terminal tackle, you’ll only find fly fishing terminal tackle that has been designed for fly fishing, so you can be confident that whichever product you choose will perform like a dream and not let you down.
Although all aspects of fly fishing require an artificial bait/fly to be cast out, there is a vast amount of fishing fly styles available and all of these have different requirements so we have made sure that our range of fly fishing terminal tackle will cover any situation.
At Angling Direct we stock a wide range of fly fishing terminal tackle from many of the leading suppliers of fly fishing tackle such as Fulling Mill, Leeda, Airflo, Cortland, Drennan and Greys. Our fly terminal tackle range includes everything from leaders, floatants and sinkants to all the rig bits needed to tie your own rigs such as hooks, link swivels, tippets and loops. So, whether you’re looking for terminal tackle for fishing for a small river for brown trout and grayling, a fast flowing river for salmon, or a reservoir for rainbow trout and pike, there is an item in our tackle range for you!