Preston Innovations is a company set on providing quality fishing products designed with a purpose. Innovating every product, testing it till it meets its exacting standards before the product is put up for sale. Preston aims to give anglers a product which has been refined so that it really will make a difference when sat at the water’s edge. Preston Innovations dedicates a lot of its time following leading match anglers in order to learn from the techniques and methods they employ on the bank, working closely with pro-match anglers such as Tommy Pickering, Des Shipp, and Emma Pickering, using the wealth of knowledge they have in creating its own products that meet real angler’s needs.
Feeder fishing is a very effective technique for catching white fish during a match and window feeders have become one of the most popular feeders on the match circuit. Lots of anglers have not cottoned on to how good this piece of kit is but Preston Innovations want to get anglers excited about the Absolute Window Feeder they have to offer UK anglers.
A completely innovated concept in the Feeder design, the Absolute Window Cage Feeder can essentially be fished the same as a conventional meshed feeder but at extreme range. Preston incorporated the benefits of a Window with the advantages of a cage feeder. Cage feeders are one of the most effective feeders for natural waters, but over the last few years Window Feeders have become an incredibly popular feeder design. Combining both was a no brainer.
Whether you are new to feeder fishing or just have not used window or caged feeders much, this plastic feeder can be fished the same as a meshed feeder, making the piece of tackle one of the most effective feeders for natural waters. The caged window is interesting for its perfectly sizes mesh and shape of the main window. This is perfect for match fishing as you have your baiting ready by the hook thanks to a cage filled with bait.
Preston has sent months in developing its widow caged feeders to make sure the main hole used to insert bait is the correct size. If it was too big the bait will empty too cleanly, or too openly upon impact in the water. With the Absolute Caged Window Feeders, your bait gets plenty of protection but when you begin to wind back, the bait will flush out of the windows.
In order to help bait flush out, Preston has inserted a slight angle on the lead that is inside the feeder. This angle is towards the main window, so as the water pushed in the top of the feeder, it flushed the bait clearly out of the window, right as you pick up. With the weight forward design, you can introduce neat groundbait further than ever before leaving a cloud through the water column, attracting fish into the peg.
The lead is nicely anodised to give the feeder a bit of inconspicuousness whilst in clear water so the bream are not spooked and the lead inserts in the feeders are available in different masses. Choose from the small weight at 20g, medium weight at 30g or the large weight at 75g.
Preston has also featured a few large holes located at the top of the feeder, making it a torpedo shape. This is to allow more water to gush through, pushing the bait out. When you are winding back, this torpedo shapes top provides a really good, easy retrieve. Preston stresses that it is vital to keep the inside of the window feeder clean so there is nothing in the way stopping this gushing action. There is a fixed swivel at the top of the feeder too.
The Absolute Caged Window Feeders are going to be an essential feeder to your arsenal.