Nash Classic Boilies,
Nashbait Classic 50/50 type boilie base mix has been used for more than 25 years (it's a similar mix that Gary Bayes designed when he was at Catchum baits) It is a mix of cooked cereal, medium protein and high digest.
At Nashbait we use so much mix we have it blended by a specialist company and have added a vitamin/mineral blend to the base mix as some cereals are missing certain trace elements essential to good health in fish. The ingredients are picked for their digestibility having been processed to be as starch free as possible and high in usable nutrients.
Nashbait Classic flavours are the best fishing attractors we can produce; there are no restrictions at all because most are made in our own lab.
Base mix; 50/50 type with added bird food for the fat content.
Flavours; Strawberry oil palatant, Strawberry flavour, Intense sweetener.
Very popular in the UK. Good in the summer and winter. The bailiff on Garys lake has caught in the winter on big fish and easy waters with a lot of pre-baiting but using single hook baits on fishing days.Comments.
Base mix: 50/50 type
Flavours: Scopex and intense sweetener.
Comments: In Europe the colour is yellow; in the UK it is Orange. Colour matters to the angler but will make a difference to the fish also. The flavour is strong with this bait but in perfect balance with the base mix and sweeteners, making Nashbait Scopex both instant and long term.
White Chocolate
Base mix: 50/50 type with added bird food for the fat content.
Flavours: White chocolate oil, chocolate malt, chocolate flavour and Intense sweetener.
Comments: The 3 different Chocolates are all on different bases so make the recipe very unique to Nashbait and very difficult for the carp to recognize danger. It's similar to blending different flavours but much more subtle and creates a lovely chocolate smell and taste. White baits are excellent in the colder months but the White Chocolate is an excellent all season bait.
Tutti Frutti.
Base mix: 50/50 type.
Flavours:Nashbait Tutti, intense sweetener.
Comments: This is Nashbaits top selling boilie, selling more than any other flavour for the last 5 years. We used to use a different Tuti Fruity flavour which unfortunately was discontinued when the company we bought it from was taken over by a larger company. Now we use the Nash Tutti and sales shot sky high, we think because the new flavour is much more subtle, part of the reason why it catches more fish.
Base mix: 50/50 type.
Flavours: Nashbait Pineapple oil palatant, Protaste and intense sweeteners.
Comments: Pineapple oil palatant has always been a very instant flavour and although it is an oil based product it also contains many components that are water soluble (as do all the oil palatants) so there is flavour in all the water layers constantly leaking from each boilie, attracting the fish from the surface to the bottom.
Monster Crab and Crayfish
Base mix: 50/50 type with 2 added fishmeals.
Flavours: Nashbait Monster crab, Crab extract and Shellfish sense appeal and low level intense sweetener.
Comments: This bait is a real stinker and is excellent for weedy waters, large waters and anywhere where there is a lot of silt. Monster Crab flavour is a great fish puller and also resists contamination from smelly silt, the Crab extract and Shellfish sense appeal is instantly soluble and also creates instant attraction, even to fish that have never seen boilies before.