Wednesday Review - Mainline Special Edition Pop Ups

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Wednesday Review - Mainline Special Edition Pop Ups

Pop-ups are a great bait method for using as a hookbait in weedy scenarios when you want to avoid the risk of your hookbait becoming lost. The Mainline Special Edition pop up boilies have been mixed with a flotation agent in order to make them float a few inches off the lake bed and bring the fish to the surface.

Brightly coloured and extremely potent to match this vibrancy, the Special Edtion pop ups comes in an attractive white for the F-One flavouring, pink for Pink Pinenana flavour and orange for the Scopex & Blackcurrant. These brighter colours help the pop up boilies stand out further so the angler can easily watch movement and get ready to grab the reel!

Ideal for the upcoming season where the weather is warming and fish start to come out from the bottom of the waters, the Mainline Special Edition Pop-Ups contain top-quality attractors and are very buoyant.

Perfect for use on a Chod Rig, a single hook bait approach, or as a hook bait fished over a bed of bait, these colourful Pop-up boilies all come in 15mm sizes and a screw-lid tub to keep the bait as fresh and flavour-packed for many sessions to come.

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