Pictures Of The WeekIf you’d like to submit your picture and catch report, with the chance of winning a £50 Angling Direct voucher, then send them to…[email protected] winner each month will be the picture with the most amount of '
Well it’s the start of another week here at Angling Direct! It’s crazy, the weeks just seem to fly by and the weekends seem to go even quicker!The Prospects…It looks all change this week as the weather seems to have a more autumnal feel to it,
Pictures Of The WeekIf you’d like to submit your picture and catch report, then don’t forget you can do so by emailing us at…[email protected]’t forget to include your name, and a few details about the catch!We look forward to
Well it’s finally here… September and the start of autumn! It won’t be long now before the leaves start to turn that golden colour and fall from the trees, the evenings start to pull in and the fish start to really feed up ready for the winter
Pictures Of The WeekIf you’d like to submit your picture and catch report, then don’t forget you can do so by emailing us at…[email protected]’t forget to include your name, and a few details about the catch!We look forward to
Apologies this blog is a little later than normal, I wasn’t working Monday due to the long weekend and of course bank holiday! If you had the extra day off I do hope you enjoyed it and I hope you managed to get out and catch a few fish.The
Pictures of the weekOnce again this week my inbox has been graced with a steady stream of both customer pictures and staff pictures, here are some of the best!If you’d like to submit your picture and catch report, then don’t forget you can do so
I do hope everyone had a good weekend and that if you were out and about on the bank you managed to catch a few? It’s now Monday morning though and this means one thing, its time for another instalment of our ‘week ahead’.The Prospects…This
Sorry this blog is a little later than normal, I was out of the office last week and have been busy catching up on emails and work from last week. I hope your all well and that you had a good weekend, if you managed to get out on the bank I hope you
Well it’s the start of another week and in fact another month, I can’t believe we are already in August, where does the time go! I had to sort out an advertising schedule just last week and already copy and deadline dates for October were being