Pictures Of The WeekIf you’d like to submit your picture and catch report, with the chance of winning a £50 Angling Direct voucher, then send them to…[email protected] Album So FarThe winner each month will be the picture with
The Prospects…Once again there’s not really too much to say about the weather, I don’t want to sound like a broken record so I probably won’t dwell on it too much this week! It’s a case of same old same old and I think I could almost get
Pictures Of The WeekIf you’d like to submit your picture and catch report, with the chance of winning a £50 Angling Direct voucher, then send them to…[email protected] Album So Far!The winner each month will be the picture
The Prospects…Well there’s not really too much to say about the weather, which is probably a good thing given the amount of strong wind and heavy rain we’ve had in the past few months, this settled weather will come as a relief to those who
Pictures Of The WeekIf you’d like to submit your picture and catch report, with the chance of winning a £50 Angling Direct voucher, then send them to…[email protected] Album So Far!The winner each month will be the picture with
The Prospects…Fortunately for the majority of the country last week was a little more settled than previous weeks and more importantly a lot drier, it was a welcome relief for many.
Temperatures remained a few degrees above the seasonal average
Apologies that the last couple of weeks have been a little quiet on the blogging front, as you can imagine the run up to Christmas is a very busy time for us, and a huge percentage of our time is set aside for festive deals and promotions. But now it
Pictures Of The WeekIf you’d like to submit your picture and catch report, with the chance of winning a £50 Angling Direct voucher, then send them to…[email protected] winner each month will be the picture with the most amount of
Pictures Of The WeekIf you’d like to submit your picture and catch report, with the chance of winning a £50 Angling Direct voucher, then send them to…[email protected] winner each month will be the picture with the most amount
The Prospects…Last week was pretty settled for the most part, however on Thursday it was all change as storm fronts gathered in the North and slowly made there way down the East coast battering everything in there path.A number of factors