Here come the Cod!Great news, as the Codling are coming inshore already and early signs look as if it could be a bumper season. Already there’s lots of small Codling starting to show all along the Essex coastline, most of these have been on the
There has been a big influx of Skate/Thornbacks to all areas over the last week, with some big catches reported, most of these fish are females but it won’t be too much longer before the males also start to move in.There are still plenty of Smooth
Thursday saw us up and about around 3.30am, we had arranged a days charter fishing on Phil White's boat, the Chinook II, out of Bradwell, fishing the sheltered waters in and around the Thames Estuary.After a relatively easy 2 hour 30 minute drive
Fishing has been really good over the last fortnight with increasing numbers of Thornbacks and Smooth Hounds showing.The best Smooth Hound to date was a cracking fish of 20lb which was part of a superb day's fishing with Chris and Steve from Angling
We’ve had a real mixed bag of weather recently, but fortunately on most days we’ve still been able to get out to the fishing grounds and catch a few fish. There’s been some cracking sport to be had, with a whole host of different species
The last week has seen strong North Easterly winds really stirring up the sea and this has scattered the Mackerel shoals, however with the forecast settling and looking better this week, they should soon return.Even though the Mackerel have been
The weather has been a little unsettled over the last week but we have still managed to get out most days and when we have the fishing has been fantastic! There has been huge numbers of big mackerel turning up offshore and with the clear water they
Well what a change in the weather! This week and weekend has been absolutely glorious, we’ve enjoyed summer conditions, flat calm seas and superb fishing.There are good numbers of Bass starting to show with fish around 6-7lb becoming regular
The Bass Are Arriving… It’s what we’ve all been waiting for, the Bass are arriving and it looks like being a bumper year as good numbers of fish have now started to show in nearly all area’s! Already this year, and infact just on Sunday, I
Relatively settled weather has been with us for the past few weeks, meaning we have been able to get out to sea most days. This has resulted in some superb sport for our anglers, with some very nice catches of Thornback Ray in most areas.As they