Sticky Baits Manilla & Krill Active Ranges - Product Spotlight Review

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Sticky Baits Manilla & Krill Active Ranges  - Product Spotlight Review

Sticky Baits initially formed its first Active boilie in 2014, while fishing on the mighty Lac de St Cassien. Utilising extra liquids and powders to surround the bait, allows it to release lots of attraction and food signals in a short space of time. There is no doubt, that this bait makes a huge difference in comparison to a standard bait. 
The extra super soluble liquids and powders surround the boilie, creating a paste-like coating that releases attraction instantaneously. The secret to its success is the abundance of amino acids released by the coating. Carp find their food by detecting amino acids in the water and this bait pumps them out like nothing else on the market. 

Sticky Baits Active Tuff Ones (Manilla & Krill)

The Sticky Baits Active Tuff Ones are little hookbaits that have been designed to replicate the Manilla and Krill Active Boilies but offer a much-toughened texture that makes it the ideal bottom bait. Each of the Tuff Ones hookbaits is coated in a super soluble paste wrap, which is designed to match the freezer baits perfectly. Sticky Baits have been made using the same base mix as the normal bottom baits, but with the inclusion of extra binders, creating a much tougher alternative to using the freebies on the hair yet maintaining that all-important match of the hatch appearance. Once these bottom baits have been submerged, the coating breaks down into a ring of attraction around the ultra-tough hookbait core. These baits will break down, even in the coldest of water temperatures.

Shop for Sticky Baits Manilla Active Tuff Ones, here.

Shop for Sticky Baits The Krill Active Tuff Ones, here.

Sticky Baits Active Freezer Baits

Coming again in Manilla or the Krill flavourings, Sticky Baits promised that the Active range has outfished a standard Krill or Manilla boilie on every instance! Encapsulated in a rich paste layer, these boilies have undergone a unique coating process that helps when in contact with the water. When in water, the coating around the outside of Active baits begins to break down and then releases a tantalising wave of attraction as well as free amino acids. Helping to draw carp into your swim and keep them there for longer, these frozen boilies have out-fished many standard ones and Sticky Baits genuinely feel that they have improved one of the best none fishmeal baits of all time.

Sticky Active is available as freezer bait only, in sizes 12mm, 16mm, 20mm and 24mm boilies. Choose Krill or Manilla.


Sticky Bait Active Wafters

The wafters of the active range are designed to work all year round and offer a replica of the popular Manilla/ Krill Active Boilies but with the key difference of these wafters coming in a barrel shape, potentially giving your hook bait the edge in amongst your freebies.  Sticky Baits has used the perfect balanced wafter mix, with a highly soluble, Active paste wrap which in turn offers an element of buoyancy to help maintain a perfect presentation throughout the breakdown process. They are formulated to negate the weight of the hook and rig, a sure-fire way of fooling even the wariest of carp. As the super-soluble coating breaks down of these wafters, the bait leaves a ring of attraction around its core and across the lakebed.

Get the Active Wafters in either Manilla or Krill flavouring.


We hope you are as exited as we are to use this great range of baits on the backside and see just how many carp we can land in the net! Shop all of our Sticky Baits products, here.

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