Ferry is one of the few remaining traditional bream waters, as far as I am concerned, and the way the matches are run here – Method feeders and boilies are banned – mean that traditional tactics are also required. This doesn’t mean that there isn’t a twist, though, and I have brought old-school bream tactics into the modern era by incorporating several key things that I have learnt on commercial venues. It is these tweaks that have really helped me stay at the top of my game.
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Tip 1 - Worms Rule Worms play a huge role in my bream work and on some days they are the only thing that will get the peg rocking. A kilo of dendrabaenas is a must for me and although I may not use them all, there are definitely days where feeding plenty of worm is the key. One thing I have learnt on England duty is that how you chop your worms can make a massive difference to what you catch. I used to pretty much always ‘mince’ them and couldn’t understand why anglers from other countries were consistently catching bigger fish. It wasn’t until I watched a Dutch angler one day and noticed his feeder looking like a hedgehog as he cast out. There were long chunks of worm hanging from the feeder and it was clear he had barely even chopped them. It was no coincidence that he was catching quality fish and I have since taken that on board.Tip 3 - Fish Meal or bust Many of the anglers fishing Ferry actually use a sweet groundbait mix these days and have switched back after a spell on fishmeal mixes. For me, though, I only use fishmeal. I have simply won too many matches here to change. The mix is the ever-reliable Ringers Dark and Ringers Natural 50/50. This is mixed the night before and stored in an airtight bag; I then simply riddle it twice on the bank, which leaves me with a lovely fluffy mix. For some reason the green colour works very well and it fills me with confidence.