Species Guides

  1. Top 10 Spring Tench Fishing Tips

    Top 10 Spring Tench Fishing Tips


    After a long winter and with the days starting to lengthen and the water temperature slowly starting to increase. Fish are starting to wake up from their winter hibernation, and for Tench in particular, the spring is a great time to catch them

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  2. How To Drop Shot for Perch

    How To Drop Shot for Perch

    Drop shotting has rapidly become a popular lure fishing method for perch, spreading among anglers with incredible speed. It's an active, dynamic technique that's easy to learn, fun to practice and requires minimal gear.   This method is

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  3. Grayling Fishing: Essential Techniques and Tips for Success

    Grayling Fishing: Essential Techniques and Tips for Success

    From the ethereal flows of clear, chilly rivers emerges an angler’s gem, the enigmatic grayling. The "lady of the stream" attracts people due to her unique appearance and thrilling capture. Grayling fishing isn’t just about tossing a line into

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  4. Pike Fishing Norfolk: Where to Find Remarkable Catches

    Pike Fishing Norfolk: Where to Find Remarkable Catches

    Immerse yourself into the thrilling world of pike fishing in Norfolk. We will guide you through the best pike waters. Discover the most effective strategies and enticing locations for remarkable pike catches. In the heart of East Anglia, Norfolk

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  5. Expert Tips for Tackling Pike Fishing Season with Confidence

    Expert Tips for Tackling Pike Fishing Season with Confidence


    By Matt PeplowAs the frosty fingers of winter start to beckon, anglers all across the UK begin gearing up for one of the most exhilarating fishing seasons: Pike fishing.  In this article, a seasoned angler with years of experience tackling this

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  6. Barbel Fishing in Autumn: Tips for September Sessions

    Barbel Fishing in Autumn: Tips for September Sessions

    The trees are showing their golden finery and the evenings are becoming crisper. It is prime time for many specimen barbel anglers to get the trusted barbel fishing rods out. There’s nothing quite like the thrill of battling a big fish as the

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  7. Hidden Gems: The Art of Small River Chub Fishing

    Hidden Gems: The Art of Small River Chub Fishing


    By Matthew Peplow from Addicted To AnglingIn this article, Matt shares his experience of targeting chub fish on the River Salwarpe in Worcester.There’s a stretch of River Salwarpe in Worcester that not many people know about. I had the pleasure of

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  8. The Tempting Tench: Expert Tips to Improve Your Fishing

    The Tempting Tench: Expert Tips to Improve Your Fishing


    By Matthew PeplowIn Matt’s first article on the Angling Direct blog, he shares his experience of targeting tench at Mythe Pool, Tewkesbury.Skip to...Matt's StoryAngler’s Bio: Based in Worcester, I am a 33-year-old angler that has been fishing

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  9. Carp Fishing Near Me: Top Locations and Tips for Success

    Carp Fishing Near Me: Top Locations and Tips for Success

    As an angler, there's nothing quite like the thrill of reeling in a hefty carp. The anticipation, the fight, and the landing of one of these freshwater giants is an experience that's hard to beat. Before you get to this you need to find that perfect

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  10. Why Summer Pike Fishing Can Be Harmful

    Why Summer Pike Fishing Can Be Harmful

    Summer is the perfect time for anglers in the UK. Joining syndicates and club waters, hoping to take advantage of the warm weather and the beautiful surroundings. However, for those hoping to target pike or try lure fishing for pike, it's essential

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