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  1. Angling Direct @ the Northern Angling Show

    Angling Direct @ the Northern Angling Show

    Angling Direct is heading to the Northern Angling Show! Whether you are an avid attendee of the event held up in Manchester or you are considering a first-time trip, make sure you swing by and say hello to the Angling Direct Team. This year, on the

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  2. Get Into Fishing - FREE Whip Kit Offer

    Get Into Fishing - FREE Whip Kit Offer

    Angling Direct's free whip kit offer is back! Last year Angling Direct gave away 8,248 free whip kits! That’s a lot of new anglers out on the bank, most likely beside or following in the footsteps of an older family member and it’s that

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  3. AD Warrington Grand Opening 15/02

    AD Warrington Grand Opening 15/02

    <p>If you plan on visiting Warrington for a spot of fishing in one of the many lakes nearby, or on the River Mersey, soon there will be an Angling Direct en route for you to stop by and pick up the essentials and nose at the newest tackle to

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  4. Tackle Tuesday- Fox Rage Prism X Light Spin Rods

    Tackle Tuesday- Fox Rage Prism X Light Spin Rods

    Perfect for this season, the Fox Rage Prism X line keep predator anglers ahead of this winter as its Light Spin Rods house feature that focus on predator fishing tactics to assist with targeting such challenging species in a freezing climate.The

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  5. Dave Coster's How To- Change Float Tip Colours FAST

    Dave Coster's How To- Change Float Tip Colours FAST

    With a low winter sun it can be tricky to see your pole float antenna, especially when the light changes so dramatically and quickly at this time of the year. A speedy way of altering hard to see float tips, when fishing against a backdrop of white

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  6. Dave Coster- January 2020

    Dave Coster- January 2020

    After watching my mate Andy nearly empty Birch Lake at Woodland Waters in late December, I just had to go back to discover the secret of his success. Was it the swim and his uncanny knack of picking pegs where the fish are shoaled up? Or was it the

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  7. Arezue Wright- Go Long or Go Home

    Arezue Wright- Go Long or Go Home

    It is very rare these days that I come across another angler using a longshank hook. Quite simply the longshank has long been forgotten, fallen out of favour and being replaced by more fashionable but not necessarily better alternatives.However, just

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  8. AD Rewards

    AD Rewards

    Angling Direct are serious about the future of your fishing, and with 2020 now well and truly underway, we are keen to ensure our service continues to progress and improve for your benefit

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  9. Small STREAM FISHING - A Trip Down Memory Lane!

    Small STREAM FISHING - A Trip Down Memory Lane!

    For this latest episode we’re back with the ultimate trip down memory lane! Re-visiting and fishing some of the small streams and tiny bodies of water we used to fish when we were just young lads.Back then, 20+ years ago, we thought we were the

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  10. AD Warrington- Coming Soon

    AD Warrington- Coming Soon

    Angling Direct is coming to Warrington…If you plan on visiting Warrington for a spot of fishing in one of the lakes or on the River Mersey, soon there will be an Angling Direct on route for you to stop by and pick up the essentials and nose at the

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