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  1. Greys GT2 50 Carp Rods - Tackle Tuesday

    Greys GT2 50 Carp Rods - Tackle Tuesday

    To make a carp anglers life all the more easier at the bankside, a versatile range of rods is required to fit the fishing style of your choice. The Greys GT2 50 carp rods, comes from a nifty range of options to suit a variety of anglers whether you

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  2. Advanta Protector Straight Eight Bed - Advanta Saturday

    Advanta Protector Straight Eight Bed - Advanta Saturday

    You get the odd red-letter day, but for the most part fishing requires patience and perseverance, both of which are influenced by a decent nights sleep. The latest bedchair offering from Advanta, the Protector Straight Eight Bed

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  3. World Photography Day -  7 Tips for Taking Better Fishing Photos

    World Photography Day - 7 Tips for Taking Better Fishing Photos

    Today, (19th August) marks World Photography Day. Us anglers can agree that getting the perfect shot of a catch you have worked so hard to land is a vital part of a fishing session. It is great that after you return the monster fish back to its

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  4. Trakker Elements Jacket - Wednesday Review

    Trakker Elements Jacket - Wednesday Review

    With the weather being as unpredictable as it is during the British Summer, packing the right attire is essential to keeping yourself warm and dry to continue fishing. Trakker designed the Elements Jacket for the anglers on the bank desperate

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  5. Fortis Recce Umbrella Black Two Layer - Tackle Tuesday

    Fortis Recce Umbrella Black Two Layer - Tackle Tuesday

    As the heat waves are replaced by sudden storms at the bankside, it is best to come prepared with the tackle that will protect you from the elements.  The Fortis Recce Umbrella is a two-layer, black brolly that offers shelter and shade for

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  6. Advanta X5 Float & Feeder 13ft Rods - Advanta Saturday

    Advanta X5 Float & Feeder 13ft Rods - Advanta Saturday

    Designed for medium to large river fishing, the X5 13ft rods from Advanta boast a variety of features well suited to float and feeder fishing techniques. The X5 Float 13ft Rod Float fishing can be one of the most successful tactics to employ when

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  7. Carp Porter Barrow Bivvy Light - Thursday Focus

    Carp Porter Barrow Bivvy Light - Thursday Focus

    Ever felt frustrated at just how awkward it is to use a barrow effectively on night sessions? Constantly turning your head to get the right angle to ensure you’re not about to wheel over somebody’s broken bottles, or take yourself down

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  8. Korda Wrap Sunglasses - Wednesday Review

    Korda Wrap Sunglasses - Wednesday Review

    The Great British weather is famous for its unpredictability, which is why it pays to have a good quality pair of polarising sunglasses on you at all times. Whether you’re angling in bright but overcast conditions, full sunlight, or low

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  9. International Youth Day – Top 10 Tips for Taking Your Child Fishing

    International Youth Day – Top 10 Tips for Taking Your Child Fishing

    The 12th August marks International Youth Day, which is a great opportunity to teach your children something new! We, here at Angling Direct support and encourage many youth angling events such as the Fishing 4 Schools, Learn to Fish Carp Academy and

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  10. RidgeMonkey Heavy Duty Water Carrier - Tackle Tuesday

    RidgeMonkey Heavy Duty Water Carrier - Tackle Tuesday

    With the summer bringing some extreme heat, it is important to keep hydrated when at the bankside. Whether it is a cup of water to drink or a quick splash to refresh your face and neck, some fresh water can help bring your body temperature down so

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