Fishing is not only a great way to unwind, but it is also an excellent opportunity to connect with nature. However, one of the most crucial aspects of fishing is having the right fishing gear. While most people invest in fishing rods, reels, and
Have you ever spent ages trying to spool your fishing reel with line, only to end up frustrated and with a tangled mess? If so, then we have good news – Angling Direct has a simple solution that will take all of the hassle out of fishing line
Every winter, the fishing industry sees a drop in the number of anglers heading to the bankside. Although there are still plenty of opportunities to catch, with some of the best fishing coming in the colder months, many anglers are just not
TCalling all Cardiff anglers! The countdown to first ever Fishing SUPERSTORE in Wales is well on its way! We’re pleased to be able to tell you that AD Cardiff will open its doors soon, bringing quality tackle and professional advice to the city,
What is carp fishing?
Carp have the unique ability to reach impressive sizes and provide anglers with heart-stopping fishing battles. To make sure you're fully prepared for your quest, try out specialised carp fishing tackle. Rods, reels, baits and
If you're looking for a unique way to spend time with your partner, why not try fishing? Not only is fishing a fun and relaxing activity that is great for your mental health, but it's also a great way to create memories that will last a lifetime. In
Fishing can be an enjoyable and relaxing experience, but without the right gear, it can also be uncomfortable and dangerous. One essential piece of equipment for any angler is a fishing suit. In this guide, we'll take a closer look at the different
We’re pleased to be able to tell you that, shortly, AD Cardiff will open its doors to bring quality tackle and professional advice to the city, well known for excellent sea fishing and a wide range
Are you an avid carp angler, yet feeling the pinch of budget constraints? You don’t have to put a stop to your love of carp fishing, after all, there are mental health benefits to fishing. While spending time in nature can help improve mental
In this Fishing Bait Guide, Ade Kiddell provides match and coarse anglers with some tips for getting the most out of your bread punch baits when fishing canal and commercial carp fisheries.
The weather can play a big part in