The river carp have been elusive this year; last May and June, myself and several friends had some great fish, with several close to 40lb. When I last wrote, I had managed three and lost two, and was feeling confident of finding a few more. However,
Phil Spinks will be a familiar, friendly face to many of you in the Angling Direct community, both from his work in our Beccles store, and from his entertaining, engaging, and informative blogs and videos, which centre around his own angling exploits
Reviewed by Carpology Magazine…
Landing carp at night can be tricky. But not now...Landing carp at night can be tricky. And tricky means tangles. Solve this problem with JRC’s clever new TX Headset and equally as impressive XT Landing Net - both
Finally after a few months of counting the weeks and days, we were on the plane and on our way to Cyprus for a week of sun sea and beer . As Darryn and his better half were joining my better half and myself, we were planning to take a bit of fishing
We have not had a good run of Tope in the Estuary for a long time, so it was a lovely surprise this week to see some cracking fish turning up.The biggest reported was a 57lb fish on Derek Mole's boat Eastern Promise on Saturday followed by a 51lber
The Rumours
If you were watching Korda's Masterclass 5 closely, you'll have glimpsed something a little bit special, and heard comments on its performance, crafting, and results from leading professional anglers Darren Peck and Neil Spooner.
On The SurfaceSurface baiting is becoming increasingly popular, as fish on pressured venues learn to avoid traditionally fished baits. While most of us will never come close to being the next Kevin Nash, anglers of all levels of experience can get a
Catapulting to Baiting SuccessA catapult is a small but essential tackle item for keen match and coarse anglers who like to take on the challenges of a range of venues, giving you a quick, effortless way to get your bait out to the centre of a large
Bait has to be one of the most important elements in catching a fish. Any angler worth their weight in pellets will tell you how important bait is, and how fussy they are over their chosen armoury. Here’s a few tips to help you make the most of
We all know how important fish care is. There's certainly no more potentially damaging time for a fish than when they are out of the water. With carp and other specimens taking so long to grow, and with each one being a precious piece of piscatorial