Another Saturday, another brand new Angling Direct store well and truly welcomed onto the scene. Angling Direct Preston was, as ever, another Grand Opening in which the support of customers from near and far was truly overwhelming.The day started
With the increasingly hot summer months we’ve been experiencing, zig fishing has played quite a large part in my approach to catching carp. In the past, I had dabbled half-heartedly at zig fishing, managing the odd carp, but never focusing on
After a successful spring chasing carp, when June 16th came round I fancied something different fishing wise. With the weather being so hot, and no rain, it hasn’t been great fishing conditions. But one species that is willing to play ball during
Calling all match anglers! Our Angling Direct Willenhall store is holding a very special Maver themed open day on Saturday 4th August from 9am until 4pm.To celebrate this special occasion we are offering 10% off everything in store and 20% off all
The humble bream is a fantastic species to target. Not only are they usually pretty obliging when it comes to feeding, they also tend to congregate in large shoals, which means when you get one, you tend to find a few more. This is a perfect way of
The football World Cup may be over, but another great sporting events kicks off in less than two weeks. National Fishing Month (NFM) 2018 - the highlight of the fishing year – begins on 27th July and gives everyone the chance to give angling a go
Anglers tend to be very concerned about the wider environment; a healthy, thriving, pollution-free environment means more fish, fish that are in better condition, and able to grow to larger sizes, with plenty of energy, strength, and appetite, all of
After meeting up with the fishery manager of AJS Fisheries, and being offered an opportunity to fish what I would say is one of the most difficult big fish waters in the North (all 70+acres of it), I couldn’t wait to get my teeth into the potential
It's not everyday you get to spend a few hours on the bank with one of the finest modern day carp anglers. Our very own Hassan recently spent a day session at the stunning Acorn Carp Fishery with none other than ‘Mr Linear’ himself, Tom Maker.
Fly fishing conjures images of country estates and landed gentry, ghillies and tweed. It sounds expensive, and its marketing campaigns certainly tend towards the luxury lifestyle rather than the everyday potential.However, as with all aspects of