Tidy TackleOne of the most relaxing things you can do when you don't have a chance to get out on the bank is to sort out your tackle box. For some reason, having everything neatly ordered, and knowing exactly what you've got, and where in your box
One of the most important parts of your rig setup is your lead. Attached to your rig, the lead takes your set up down quickly, essential if you’re targeting bottom feeding fish, such as carp, as it gets your bait in position quickly, giving you the
What Is Terminal Tackle?Terminal tackle covers everything that's on the business end of your mainline; the hook that holds your bait at just the right point for the fish you want to come across it, the floats that provide all the bite indication
Individual SuccessesOne of the recurring themes in the world of terminal tackle is that of the triumph of the little guy. Many of the biggest brands on the terminal tackle scene, such as Nash and Korda, began when one angler got frustrated with the
Knowledge Is PowerGuru certainly live up to their brand mantra, ensuring that every product they create is crafted with the knowledge of the discipline it will be applied to, the habits and techniques of anglers, and the attitudes and responses of
What Is An Adjustable Zig?Zig fishing is a highly effective tactic, especially during the warmer months, when carp are moving throughout the water column, encouraged by tasty natural food sources, and the chance of some longed-for sun on their
Certainly the most important part of your setup is your terminal tackle. The business end of things such as hook pattern and hooklength material; ultimately these components mean that you safety land every bite you get. Here are a few tips to help
Exclusive to Angling Direct, the Advanta range has gone from strength to strength over the years. With items and ranges from the worlds of carp, coarse, match and sea, plus more products in the pipeline, it’s fair to say that the brand is now a
Can there be anything better than spending a long summer afternoon on a river bank? You've got your rods out, the sun's shining, setting the water sparkling, your polarised sunglasses are coming into their own, helping you cut through golden gleams
The fishing in Whitby has generally been steady, although it has picked up a little in the past few weeks. Unfortunately due to the hot temperatures the algae bloom stuck around for longer than normal, which meant the water clarity hadn’t been as