The innovative team of Guru’s at, you guessed it, Guru have redefined angling shot. For years shot have been spherical in shape, but Guru have questioned tradition and subsequently developed micro shot with several benefits.The form Guru settled on
If you’re fishing at distance and feeding boilies over the top of your hook bait but an expensive bait boat isn’t an option, then perhaps a throwing stick could be a valuable addition to your angling war chest. There are several available on the
At this time of the year with the last of the winter winds washing away, I look forward to the prospect of long summer evenings and the pursuit of the mighty ‘Redeye’.For the purists amongst us and those who can remember the ‘Glorious 16th June
Fishing a solid PVA bag has become a go-to method for many carp anglers up and down the country, the method guarantees perfect placement of particles around your hook bait, get your mix right and big carp will find your offerings irresistible.
Join us in-store on Saturday 18th May, as Angling Direct Swindon host a very special Cipher Open Day. The Cipher group are responsible for bringing you high-quality, innovative products through the companies three well renowned brands, Trakker
This coming Saturday, 11th May, Angling Direct are hosting several open days across the country, showcasing tackle from top brands across various fishing disciplines. We will be offering a 10% instore discount and 20% of Advanta and Grandeslam
If you’re in the market for a compact, lightweight spinning reel, perfect for impromptu trips to your local stretch of water with minimal gear, the Daiwa Crossfire range could be the perfect accomplice on your next trip.
Available in an array of
The War on PlasticThe catastrophic effect plastic is having on the world’s oceans and waterways is well documented. Research carried out by Friends of the Earth, in association with Dr. Christian Dunn of Bangor University found that Britain’s
Rig presentation is of paramount importance in the carp discipline, get in wrong and you could unknowingly be tangled or laying awkwardly over weed on the lake bed. Ease of use is also imperative, the quicker you can tie rigs, the more time you can
As part of our Super Saturday, Angling Direct Birmingham are hosting a match fishing open day, on Saturday 11th May. As part of the open day we are offering 10% off everything in store and 20% of Advanta products, so it’s the perfect excuse to