How To Tie The 'Shot On The Hook' Rig!

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How To Tie The 'Shot On The Hook' Rig!

The 'Shot On The Hook Rig' has recently become one of the most popular rigs in carp fishing, due to the amazing results seen on Korda Underwater. Primarily a pop-up rig presentation, The 'Shot On The Hook Rig' places the hook in a unique position, close to the lakebed that makes it ideally suited to a multitude of fishing situations. What's more the hook is already set at a good angle and position for gaining a hook hold, meaning it's a very good presentation for wary or pressured carp.

Sound great, right?! Well perhaps the best bit is that in this blog we show you how to tie The 'Shot On The Hook Rig' with an easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide, so you can reap the benefits of using this rig in your own carp fishing!

What You Need... 

Trim your desired hooklink length of coated braid 

Using a stripper tool, strip around 3-4" before tying a small hair loop 

Trim a small section of silicone tubing and thread onto your hooklink

Take your hook and thread through the silicone, securing in place with a knotless knot 

Take your tungsten aligner and secure over the eye of the hook 

Take your anti-tangle sleeve and thread onto the hooklink before tying a figure of 8 loop knot

Thread your shot on the hook bead onto the hook 

Add a small blog of tungsten putty into the centre of your rig 

Attach your chosen pop up to the hair and you're ready to go! 

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