Gold Leaf Common & One Eyed Willy... Michael Stewart

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Gold Leaf Common & One Eyed Willy... Michael Stewart

Gold Leaf Common & One Eyed Willy... Michael Stewart

I arrived in Cambridgeshire around 2pm and to my surprise I was greeted with an empty complex! I went for a mooch about and saw nothing to go on so it was a case of dropping in an area that had been producing fish regularly over the last few weeks.

I'd done a night in the swim before so had an idea of where I wanted to put the hookbaits and quickly had the three rods in position, two chods and a solid bag with a 100 or so 15mm Dynamite Baits white chocolate and coconut cream boilies spread about the area.


Up with the Pinnacle and on with the kettle to wait and see what would happen, it was a clear night, but mild considering the time of year.

At 5 am Saturday morning the bag rod let out two beeps and the indictor pulled up tight… fish on! After a good scrap I eventually steered the fish close to the landing net, under the head torch beam I could see it was a long ghostie! Soon in the folds of my landing net the big girl went 24lb on the scales; 24lb of gold leafed scales was gladly received, photographed and returned.

24lb ghostie 5

I looked at the clear sky and saw a shooting star (it must have been a sign!), then another and another this meteor shower went on for a couple of minutes! .

I watched the lake for most of the day on Saturday but saw no signs of carp, early evening and the wind really got up and sleep was hard to come by!

4am Sunday and the same indication as before on the same rod! A real good scrap ensued and after a bit of tooing and froing and another December carp was in the net!

22-14 One Eyed Willy 5

Eventually a mirror of 21-14 was returned and it was then that I realised it was another repeat capture, a fish I've named " One Eyed Willy" for obvious reasons! I awoke around 8.30 am with no more action so packed away, slipped some bait here and there and headed for home!

I’d like to say a think thanks to everyone who has read my blogs throughout 2013; hopefully they will be as fish filled in 2014! But for now, have a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Tight Lines

Michael Stewart

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