Chinook III Charter Fishing Report – March II

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Chinook III Charter Fishing Report – March II

The weather last week was very settled and this enabled us to get out on most days and to offer our anglers some superb sport.

Recently there's been a large influx of Codling into the estuaries, these hungry spring fish have been abundant, and on some days catches of 50-60+ fish haven't been uncommon, with large Lugworm and Squid baits doing the business. Averaging around 2-4lb in size, with the odd bigger fish mixed in, they have provided anglers with some great action.

As well as the Codling there has also been some Thornback around, with a steady improvement in both the numbers and size, populating the estuary. The smaller males have now returned and it's only a matter of time before the bigger spawning females follow. These fish will generally take all manner of different baits, however anything fishy is normally a winner, with Mackerel, Squid and Crab being most popular.

Offshore the fishing has also been fairly productive and over the next few weeks as more fish move off there'll be a chance to pick up a bigger Cod, with fish into double figures not uncommon.

I've also heard that the piers and beach marks are also producing, with the bigger spring tides yielding good catches of Codling and Whiting, as well as the occasional specimen Thornback.

Overall prospects look great, the Codling should remain with us for the next four weeks or so and even then as they slowly start to move off, they should be replaced by more Thornbacks and Bass.


Thornback-March-II-1 Thornback-March-II-2

To book a session on the Chinook III charter boat, which is based in Bradwell-On-Sea, Essex, contact Phil White on…

Visit - Call - 07786080771 Email - [email protected]

About the Chinook…

The place you need to come for a great day out fishing the Thames Estuary from Bradwell on Sea in Essex with one of the most experianced and friendly skippers on the East Coast. Whether you are a novice or experianced angler, they cater for both.

Due to an upturn in demand we have purchased a newer boat, she is a purpose built angling vessel, twin 330hp turbo diesels with a cruise of 20 knots, enclosed crew cab with seating for everyone, on deck toilet and a walk around island wheelhouse, she is a superb angling vessel, coded for 10 anglers
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