Due to the recent rather unsettled windy weather we've lost a few trips, which has obviously been a little frustrating, as when conditions have been suitable and we've managed to get out to the fishing grounds, sport has been nothing short of excellent.
We've landed good numbers of Codling from both the inshore and offshore marks, with an average size of around 2-3lb, with good numbers of better fish mixed in. The Sprats have now disappeared and these prime Spring fish are feeding hard on the bottom, readily taking an interest in our large Lugworm and Squid offerings.
The Thornback have also started to arrive, the majority of these fish moved offshore when the temperatures dropped, but they are now starting to show again. The bigger female fish have ventured in and the smaller males have followed.
The best baits to target these fish have been anything fishy, with Squid, Mackerel, Herring and Sandeel all catching there fair share. These fish should soon 'thicken up on the ground' as there tends to be very little commercial quota for them.
The pier and shore marks are also starting to produce and the spring run is certainly well underway. The bigger tides and any lull after a good blow has been the best time to fish and good sized Lugworm and Crab baits have produced the bigger and better fish.
Prospects are looking good with a nice mixture of species and different sized fish in abundance.
To book a session on the Chinook III charter boat, which is based in Bradwell-On-Sea, Essex, contact Phil White on…
The place you need to come for a great day out fishing the Thames Estuary from Bradwell on Sea in Essex with one of the most experianced and friendly skippers on the East Coast. Whether you are a novice or experianced angler, they cater for both.
Due to an upturn in demand we have purchased a newer boat, she is a purpose built angling vessel, twin 330hp turbo diesels with a cruise of 20 knots, enclosed crew cab with seating for everyone, on deck toilet and a walk around island wheelhouse, she is a superb angling vessel, coded for 10 anglers.