Chinook III Charter Fishing Report – April

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Chinook III Charter Fishing Report – April

There are large numbers of Thornback rays turning up in all areas inshore, these hard fighting rays offer superb sport on light tackle especially if the tide is gentle, they can be caught on most baits but this time of year they are especially partial to herring and squid fished hard on the bottom with a strong trace and big strong hooks, make sure your mainline is in good condition as they put a lot of strain on the tackle.

There are a few nice cod still around but most of these fish are up in  mid water feeding on herrings, the hope is that when the herrings depart the cod will settle on the seabed where we can catch them.

There are still some nice whiting showing with several fish up to 1lb reported, best baits are squid, mackerel and lugworm.

Offshore has improved with big numbers of thornbacks reported in most areas, there are reports of odd smoothounds starting to show, these smaller males turn up first followed by the bigger females around June time, early fish will take squid with hermit crab the best baits later on.

The first bass have been reported although a lot of the early fish are in mid water chasing herrings and are not easy to catch, best baits are squid and mackerel.

The piers and shore marks have been producing thornbacks, whiting, odd codling and dogfish on the bigger spring tides, best baits are squid, crab and worm.

Prospects are excellent, as the water warms up this will bring more summer fish into the Estuary.


To book a session on the Chinook III charter boat, which is based in Bradwell-On-Sea, Essex, contact Phil White on…

Visit – Call – 07786080771 Email – [email protected]

About the Chinook…

The place you need to come for a great day out fishing the Thames Estuary from Bradwell on Sea in Essex with one of the most experianced and friendly skippers on the East Coast. Whether you are a novice or experianced angler, they cater for both.

Due to an upturn in demand we have purchased a newer boat, she is a purpose built angling vessel, twin 330hp turbo diesels with a cruise of 20 knots, enclosed crew cab with seating for everyone, on deck toilet and a walk around island wheelhouse, she is a superb angling vessel, coded for 10 anglers.
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