Chinook III Charter Fishing Report – May

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Chinook III Charter Fishing Report – May

The recent warmer weather has really triggered the migration of the summer species and already it looks like it could be one to remember!

There are good numbers of Bass starting to show, with fish to 7lb on our boat already, a cracker caught by Barry McCormark was part of a 30 fish catch in a hectic two hour spell, just last Friday. All the fish fell to straight Lugworm fished hard on the bottom.

The Thornbacks are still around in large numbers and can be pretty much caught from all area's, with large crab and/or fish baits, combined with big hooks and strong traces, vital for anyone wanting to target them.

Some winter species still remain, as just last weekend we managed to boat a few Whiting and several Codling to around 3lb, however most of these fish should soon move off.

Offshore there are already a few Smoothounds starting to show, mostly the small male fish, but it's still a good sign. These will take all manner of baits, but if you want to experience the best Hound fishing you need to use Crab, this is without doubt their favourite, especially the large hard fighting females.  The Dogfish are there in abundance, the Thornbacks are thick on the ground and as the water warms, and as summer approaches, you really never know what you might catch!


To book a session on the Chinook III charter boat, which is based in Bradwell-On-Sea, Essex, contact Phil White on…

Visit - Call - 07786080771 Email - [email protected]

About the Chinook…

The place you need to come for a great day out fishing the Thames Estuary from Bradwell on Sea in Essex with one of the most experianced and friendly skippers on the East Coast. Whether you are a novice or experianced angler, they cater for both.

Due to an upturn in demand we have purchased a newer boat, she is a purpose built angling vessel, twin 330hp turbo diesels with a cruise of 20 knots, enclosed crew cab with seating for everyone, on deck toilet and a walk around island wheelhouse, she is a superb angling vessel, coded for 10 anglers.
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