Great news, as the Codling are coming inshore already and early signs look as if it could be a bumper season.
Already there’s lots of small Codling starting to show all along the Essex coastline, most of these have been on the skinny side, around 1-2lb in weight, however there has been a few better one’s mixed in, around the 3-4lb mark. Hopefully as the season progresses these fish will feed up and get bigger. As you’d expect most of these have fallen to large Squid and Lugworm cocktails, fished hard on the bottom.
As well as the Codling there have been good numbers of Thornbacks around, with fish showing in pretty much all areas. Most of these have been around 4-6lb in weight, but fish up to 12lb have been landed. These fish take all manner of baits, but Squid, Mackerel and Ragworm are the firm favorites.
There are lots of Bass around, which is to be expected, as they slowly venture out of the Estuaries and shoal up, before migrating to warmer climes. As with the Thornbacks, these fish will also take all manner of baits, with either Ragworm or Lugworm being the favorite.
I’ve heard the piers are now beginning to fish too, with a right mixture of species being landed on the right day and in the right conditions. Good numbers of Codling, Whiting, Eels, Bass and small Thornback have all fallen to shore anglers, fishing the big spring tides. Fishing the top half of the flood and into the ebb, with worm baits and Squid, has accounted for the better specimens.
At the moment and all being well, prospects look superb. Already there are reports of big numbers of Codling moving down the North Sea, so hopefully these arrive safe and well and we can enjoy catching them throughout the Autumn and Winter months.
To book a session on the Chinook II charter boat, which is based in Bradwell-On-Sea, Essex, contact Phil White on…
The place you need to come for a great day out fishing the Thames Estuary from Bradwell on Sea in Essex with one of the most experianced and friendly skippers on the East Coast. Whether you are a novice or experianced angler, they cater for both.
Chinook II is an offshore 105 with two 180hp turbo diesel engines giving a comfortable 15 knot cruise. She is a big spacious boat with a large deck space for all the anglers and a heated cabin big enough for everyone to shelter when the weather turns. She is a very stable fishing platform and features all the latest electronics, flush toilet, full cooker and oven. She is licensed for 8 anglers up to 60 miles from safe haven.