As you’ll all probably know and as the forecasters have already mentioned the month of September was one of the warmest and driest on record. This extra long period of settled weather wasn’t welcomed by some fishermen, but for us boat anglers it was a god send, as it allowed us to almost get out everyday and throughout the month of September (as I reported in my previous reports) we enjoyed some cracking sport!
Now we are in the month of October and things have slowly started to change.
There are already a few decent Cod starting to show up with the best reported so far, a cracking specimen of around 14 lb, landed last weekend. Fish of this size (and hopefully bigger!) will be around right throughout the winter and certainly up until the new year, with the best baits being big Squid and Lugworm offerings.
There are plenty of smaller Codling all along the shoreline, and as the winter progresses they will quickly put on weight and will be considerably larger come spring time.
Offshore we have still been enjoying some fantastic Bass action, with good numbers of fish to around 6lb, falling to a mixture of Lugworm and Ragworm. As I mentioned in my previous reports these fish will soon be moving away for the winter and infact they are normally gone by now, but the settled weather has seen them resident for longer than usual. It’s the same story with the Smooth Hound, we are still catching these and just last weekend we landed fish to just over 10lb.
The Thornbacks are still around in good numbers, both inshore and offshore, with an increasing number of bigger males being landed. Best baits for these has been Squid, Mackerel and Ragworm.
As you can probably guess another species that’s started to invade the waters is the Whiting. These fish will now become a staple catch for all beach and boat anglers from now until March and will pretty much eat anything you offer them.
Overall the prospects are looking good, with the better Cod showing up all the time!
To book a session on the Chinook II charter boat, which is based in Bradwell-On-Sea, Essex, contact Phil White on…
The place you need to come for a great day out fishing the Thames Estuary from Bradwell on Sea in Essex with one of the most experianced and friendly skippers on the East Coast. Whether you are a novice or experianced angler, they cater for both.
Chinook II is an offshore 105 with two 180hp turbo diesel engines giving a comfortable 15 knot cruise. She is a big spacious boat with a large deck space for all the anglers and a heated cabin big enough for everyone to shelter when the weather turns. She is a very stable fishing platform and features all the latest electronics, flush toilet, full cooker and oven. She is licensed for 8 anglers up to 60 miles from safe haven.