Chinook II Charter Fishing Report – March

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Chinook II Charter Fishing Report – March

The weather in the last fortnight has been much better allowing us to get out to the better fishing grounds, where we have enjoyed some superb sport.

There are a lot more Thornback Rays moving inshore now, some of these bigger females are quite a size, the best we’ve had on our boat this week, was a cracking fish of 15 lb, caught by Clive Smith. Clive also had a beauty of 14 lb on the same day! Both fish fell to Squid and Herring cocktails, which continues to be the best bait, and were returned alive.

Even though we are nearly into April, believe it or not, there are still some cracking Whiting to be caught, with some real big specimens up to nearly 2 lb! These have been caught on a variety of baits, but the good old Lugworm and Squid cocktail has been the most productive.

While the run of Thornbacks has been ripe, the Codling have thinned out a little, there are still a few fish along the coast from Clacton to Walton; however these have been fairly small, with only the odd better fish up to 5 lb or so.

As the fishing has been so good inshore recently, we haven’t felt the need to venture offshore, however as the weeks progress and the Codling and Thornbacks thin out, it’ll be worth heading a little further afield to target the Bass. It shouldn’t be too long before a few of these start to turn up!

For the shore anglers, the piers have been fishing well for Codling, Whiting and the odd Thornback on the bigger tides and like with the boat fishing, it won’t be long before some decent Bass start to show.

The estuaries have been slow but most of the Herring shoals have moved off, so this should give the angler more of a chance to target the Bass and Thornbacks, especially as the weather warms.

Prospects for the spring/summer ahead look great, the summer fish are already starting to show as the winter fish depart, and with above normal water temperatures it should be a bumper season!

Tight lines, Phil White


To book a session on the Chinook II charter boat, which is based in Bradwell-On-Sea, Essex, contact Phil White on…

Visit - Call - 07786080771 Email - [email protected]

About the Chinook…

The place you need to come for a great day out fishing the Thames Estuary from Bradwell on Sea in Essex with one of the most experianced and friendly skippers on the East Coast. Whether you are a novice or experianced angler, they cater for both.

Chinook II is an offshore 105 with two 180hp turbo diesel engines giving a comfortable 15 knot cruise. She is a big spacious boat with a large deck space for all the anglers and a heated cabin big enough for everyone to shelter when the weather turns. She is a very stable fishing platform and features all the latest electronics, flush toilet, full cooker and oven. She is licensed for 8 anglers up to 60 miles from safe haven.
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