Chinook II Charter Fishing Report – February

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Chinook II Charter Fishing Report – February

I don't need to tell anyone how windy it has been and this has obviously affected how many days we’ve been out to sea, we were out this Sunday but had previously cancelled six trips before that!

Luckily the fishing is excellent with good numbers of beautiful prime Codling around the 4 lb mark, readily taking squid and lug baits fished hard on the bottom with running traces and gripper leads.

There are good numbers of Thornback Rays around with the best on our boat at nearly 14 lb, this was landed last Monday and returned alive.

There are plenty of fish around the 8-10 lb mark, a lot of these are female Skate which have eggs, and so we always return these beautiful creatures alive, enabling them to spawn and to hopefully provide next years young.

Again most of these fish are taking Squid although in the spring they will take all fish baits. The main reason we only use Squid at this time of year is that the Cod and Skate take it, whereas the Cod won’t take most fish baits, so in the spring when the cod move offshore we can start to mix things up a little!

On a slightly different note the piers have been fishing well for Codling, Whiting and occasional Skate, the best tides, as always, are the big springs.

The rivers are still full of Sprats and Herrings, but hopefully that will improve in March when they move offshore and the spring run of Cod show up.

We have not managed to get properly offshore lately, but with an abundance of fish inshore we haven’t needed to yet.

Prospects are excellent, the Cod should stay now and in March the spring run will show up, this is shaping up to be our best spring for several years.


To book a session on the Chinook II charter boat, which is based in Bradwell-On-Sea, Essex, contact Phil White on…

Visit - Call - 07786080771 Email - [email protected]

About the Chinook…

The place you need to come for a great day out fishing the Thames Estuary from Bradwell on Sea in Essex with one of the most experianced and friendly skippers on the East Coast. Whether you are a novice or experianced angler, they cater for both.

Chinook II is an offshore 105 with two 180hp turbo diesel engines giving a comfortable 15 knot cruise. She is a big spacious boat with a large deck space for all the anglers and a heated cabin big enough for everyone to shelter when the weather turns. She is a very stable fishing platform and features all the latest electronics, flush toilet, full cooker and oven. She is licensed for 8 anglers up to 60 miles from safe haven.
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