5 Ways that Angling Relieves Stress

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5 Ways that Angling Relieves Stress

The month of April does not only mean April fools and Easter celebrations but it also marks Stress Awareness Month. After the last few months of being in tough restrictions in the UK, anglers can now start to benefit from more fishing opportunities (boat angling, night fishing and match angling) as restrictions begin to ease. 

For further details of what to expect for angling as restrictions ease, check updates here.

Held every April, since 1992, Stress Awareness Month aims to increase public awareness about both the causes and cures for the contemporary stress epidemic. According to the Mental health Foundation 74% of UK adults have felt so stressed at some point over the last year they felt overwhelmed or unable to cope.

The Stress Management Society recently collaborated with Huawei AppGallery to conduct a study on stress, gathering data from 2000 British adults. Their combined research identified that 65% of people in the UK have felt more stressed since the COVID-19 restrictions began in March 2020.

Clive Copeland, Angling Trust Head of Participation comments on stress and the first national lockdown:

‘It had a detrimental effect on mental health and that people were desperate to get outside and boost their wellbeing. Angling is perfect for this…because angling doesn’t discriminate, is relatively cheap and accessible to all abilities, backgrounds and income demographics, it is beautifully simple and universal as a sport. Everyone can easily access the benefits of it, especially in terms of mental health and wellbeing.’


The foundation behind the month-long event; Stress Management Society want to help improve how everyone views and deals with stress with the theme for 2021 being ‘Regaining Connectivity, Certainty and Control’. They are challenging every individual to pick something that calms them and do it every day for 30 days.

For us it is an easy choice. Of course, 30 days of angling! So if you are up for the challenge why not try a spot of fishing or fishing related activity (tying up those rigs, crafting flies or cooking up some bait) every day of April?

If you need some prompting as to why Angling is the stress-relieving activity to choose, check out the reasons below!

So what exactly does Angling offer that relieves all the built-up stress of the lockdown, work, and the every day strains? We, here at Angling Direct have listed the top 5 reasons why fishing for leisure will improve your mood and well being!


1) Escape Your Everyday with Angling

Getting away from your everyday pressures whether its work, finance, family or something else, fishing allows some time to pause all of the issues in your work or personal life and just hit the bank for some positive vibes and potentially a catch! You are physically and mentally removed from stressful environments when fishing, usually the countryside or shoreline where cities and towns are a distant thought. Even when fishing in an urban venue such as a canal, you have time to just sit, prepare baits and wait for a fish to bite.



2) Fascinating Fishing

If you are finding your ‘stress bucket’ getting a bit too full and you need a break from your thoughts, angling will hold all your attention. Although it is a waiting game, fishing also requires plenty of concentration. Fishing to a novice might appear effortless but really you need to keep on your toes, watching the bank, the water, the change in weather for how it can all impact your success at your swim. Fishing can be competitive whether it's with a friend, a match or with yourself as you target a new P.B but even if you are just heading for a short session after work to off-load some stress, you will find yourself deeply immersed in the spot. 



3) The Excitement of a Fishing Trip

Angling requires the engagement of a repetitive but also complex set of tactics that when successful can be incredibly cathartic. The excitement and the anticipation of catching a fish not only holds interest for yourself but encourages other people to try it such as children, partners or friends. Teaching whilst you are learning and perfecting your own tactics can lift stress from those shoulders as you find excitement and joy from this amazing pastime! For those that think fishing is boring, they just haven’t had this magically moment of landing a catch yet, as soon as you get rewards for your hard angling efforts, it will not only be the fish getting hooked!



4) Being Amongst Wildlife

As mentioned in the first reason for angling being stress relieving, getting away to the countryside and nearer to nature can instantly spark relaxation. Being amongst some greenery or depending on the season some crunchy leaves, connects you to wildlife thus boosting your mental well-being. Fresh air, witnessing birds, otters, and more go about their every day is an unbeatable experience.



5) Fishing Builds Determination and Confidence

When you are changing up your rigs, baits, rods to fit the conditions of your venue and climate, you are reflecting and testing on what will be successful or fail. Angling requires the active development of skills that provide many anglers with the motivation to keep at it until succeeding. Determination to succeed in fishing can also help with your battle against your mental health, building confidence in yourself and your achievements.


We hope these are enough reasons for you to hit the bankside but if you are completely new to the sport and want some pointers to give fishing a go, check out our beginner guides on the AD blog and video tutorials on ADTV.

For those suffering from PTSD, check out our video where the AD Team met up with Mark Wheeler, a PhD researcher from Essex University who has studied how beneficial angling is for those with the disorder.


So, when is your next planned session? Are you taking a friend to share some laughs or going solo to be close to nature? Let us know through our social media!


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