Advanta is a brand that puts fish care first, and nowhere is that concern more evident than in the design of our floatation weigh slings, which allow you to safely protect your catch as you carry it up the bank to be weighed and photographed, and then return it to the water. Designed to retain fish safely, the Discovery CCX comes with full length floats for added buoyancy, and a 3mtr clip cord, which enables you to take the sling out to deep water to give a smoother, quicker recovery. Three quarter mesh construction allows you to see your fish from all angles as you’re transporting it in the sling, so you can react promptly to any signs of stress. This mesh construction also allows for easy flow and exchange of water, ensuring the fish is kept wet, which helps keep it calm, and promotes a stress-free catch and release. A safety clip, support bars, four carry handles, and a strong main weigh strap, with rings, ensure complete stability of the floatation weigh sling, and full protection for all sizes and species of fish, while hi-vis Velcro fastenings ensure the sling is visible when you’re using it during a night fishing session, or in low light. The sling comes with its own zipped stink bag, so you won’t have to worry about a wet, smelly car following a good session.
The dynamic brand from Angling Direct, Advanta provides affordable tackle, equipment, and accessories that are ideally suited to the entry-level angler, or for more experienced anglers who want a spare set of kit to keep in a car, boat, caravan, or holiday home, so they always have their angling essentials with them if the mood or weather is right for a spot of unplanned fishing.
One of the UK’s leading angling retailers, Angling Direct don’t just sell fishing gear. With a commitment to sustainable angling, and the education and encouragement of future generations of anglers, Angling Direct works hard to build viable, valuable relationships that will further the cause of encouraging more people to get involved in angling, and ensuring that the anglers and commercial fishery owners of the future are committed to, and trained in, sustainable, responsible fish care.
An essential item of both fish care and bankside kit, a weigh sling ensures that the protective slime which coats a fish, and helps protect it from nicks from underwater hazards, and subsequent infections, isn’t degraded, and keeps the fish wet throughout its time on the bank, maximising the chances of a strong recovery, and ensuring that fish stocks remain healthy, and angling’s reputation is boosted among the wider community. With younger people increasingly concerned about the impact of their lifestyles on the environment, making it clear that catch and release angling, when done properly, with the right equipment, and with consideration for the fish concerned, does not cause harm or distress to the fish, and, by enabling more people to encounter fish up close, whether directly through angling, or through seeing photographs in magazines, or on anglers’ social media feeds, promotes an interest in fish, and their habits and habitats, among people who may not be interested in angling as a hobby.
If you’re looking to ensure that every fish you catch is returned in prime condition, ready to swim another day, and give a good run to other anglers, then give your angling the Advanta advantage with the Discovery CCX Floatation Weigh Sling, and offer your new personal best complete comfort and protection during its time out of water, and a smooth, safe return to its natural habitat.